The Balm is a cosmetics company that doesn't get mentioned too often on beauty blogs, it's also not that easy to get your hands on. I've only ever seen it sold online at various websites and most of those sites don't carry the entire collection either. Similarly in the states Sephora recently stopped selling it in their stores so now you can only purchase through their website. Most people will have probably heard about this through glossy box. This is where I first heard about them but since then it doesn't seem to get mentioned much. So I went for a look on their website and loved what I saw, the brand itself reminded me a little of benefit, a bit of soap and glory and the older too faced packaging. I joined their Facebook page and saw that lots of people bought their products from places like T.K Maxx (or T.J Maxx), Ross and Marshall's and so whenever I went into my local T.K Maxx I always have a look, unfortunately in England it seems the beauty section is only ever filled up with old lady soap. Either that or I'm just unlucky. So when I visited California last year I made sure to check out all those shops, and it was vastly different to the discounted stores we have here. I didn't manage to find any makeup items by TheBalm but I did however manage to find what seemed like their entire skin care line at a huge Marshall's in Santa Barbara. I picked up 2 products, a face cream and an eye cream.
The White Tea Grapefruit Antioxidant Day Face Cream - retails for $34 bought for $14
"For all skin types. Infused with Grapefruit extract our timeBalm day face cream is rich with antioxidants that protect your skin from pollution, UV rays and more, to help prevent premature ageing"
I like that their skin care range has fruit extracts as I am into natural ingredients, and I like that this cream protects your face from UV rays. I do like this product for the way it moisturises my face. It's not too oily as I've experienced with other creams and soaks into the skin quite quickly without leaving a shine. I've also noticed it smooths out my skin.
The White Tea Cranberry Invigorating Eye Cream - retails for $40 bought for $16
"Infused with cranberry extract, our timeBalm eye cream contains caffeine and will help you look well rested"
The consistency of this cream is quite different to that of the day cream, more gel-like and slightly thicker. I've not noticed it doing a whole lot for my eye area but it does help to brighten the area a little as well as smooth the area out. The smell of both of these products is quite fresh and clean with hints of fruit but not sweet or overpowering.
I've had both of these for three months now and have hardly made a dent in them, so there is plenty of product, you don't need much and they spread quite far. I'm not sure I would pay full price for these, together they total to $74 so I am glad I got to try them for $30. I would still like to try other items from their skin care line as well as the cosmetics line.
TheBalm products can be found at,, and
Have you ever tried any products from TheBalm? What is your favourite skin care product?
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